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Author : (layout4all)
CrystalX template is designed by Kendahlin and now is available for free download. This is a 2 column, classic template with rounded edges and the template is adsense ready with fixed width and a right sidebar.
CrystalX template is also available in pink, green, grey and black colors.
Note : This template is for Classic Blogger, not for XML blogger
Communist template is well suits for any furniture or shopping related niche sites.It was well designed, two columns with 3d RSS button and beautiful navigation bar at the top. This was originally a wordpress theme by Jinsona and was converted to blogger template by Bloggertricks
NewZen for Blogger is an interesting Blogger theme with AJAX sidebar menu (yes, it is possible to use AJAX with Blogger templates). This theme has been modified from its WordPress version, which is originally designed by Fauxzen. WordPress version of this template can be found at here).
This is a free template released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. This means that you can use this template for your personal or commercial blog, edit it according to your needs, and even re-distribute it as long as you keep the credit links at footer.
NOTE: This template is for Classic Blogger and will not work with the new xml Blogger templates.iTheme blogger template is the beautiful template with Mac OS interface design, drag and drop sidebar and beautiful mini icons. Originally, this theme is designed by Nick La and converted for blogger by Blackquanta, mod 3 columns by magznetwork
The collection included :
- Right edition
- Left edition
- Center edition
Angelic is a wordpress theme designed by Website Builder, coded by Blog Directory and was converted to blogger template by gosublogger
The special feature in this template is ajax accordion script (You can try it by clicking on About tab, Recent News tab or Recent Comment & Recent Posts tab)
Just another blogger template
var newEl = new Element('div', {'class': 'element'}).setHTML('Write something here.gosu11');
var newTog = new Element('h3', {'class': 'toggler'}).setHTML('About');
Lazy Day is a clear 2 column blogger template which was adapted from one of Padd IT Solution wordpress themes by gosublogger.
This is 3 Column Free Blogger Template using the Mascots for the 2008 European Championship Finals TRIX & FLIX.
This Template is Adsense Ready. You can use Adsense 728×15 at the top, 336×280 at top sidebar, and 160×600 at left or right sidebar.
The Blue Weed theme was created by Blog oh blog and ported to blogger by Gosu Blogger, a relatively fast conversion since the template has recently been released for wordpress (check for released day in both version).
Freedom Wall blogger template is a brand-new released template from gosublogger. Thanks to his work, now we have a nice template to use :)
Naruto Fight is 3 Column Free Blogger Template. This is Adsense Ready. You can add your Adsense at sidebar using 160×600 format. And can add Adsense in Footer too.
Naruto Uzumaki is once famous Anime character created by Masashi Kishimoto. In the story, Naruto is a young ninja from the fictional village of Konoha. His body encases the spirit of the nine tailed demon fox that attacked his village around the time of his birth.
Watch anime online is my favourite :)
Green Lush is a modification of the layout originally created by Yamazaki. Original layout can be found at Open Source Web Design website.
This is a free template released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. This means that you can use this template for your personal or commercial blog, edit it according to your needs, and even re-distribute it as long as you keep the credit links at footer.
Note : for Classic Blogger only, not work with Xml Blogger
You know, there are lots of blogger templates using Timestamp format for posted day instead of DateTime format. We must change TimeStamp format otherwise the date won’t show up properly on each of your posts! Actually the date will most likely be blank and you’ll think the template is broken.
1. Login to your blogger account
2. At Dashboard, choose tab Settings
3. At Setting tab, choose tab Formatting
4. At Formatting tab, change Timestamp Format to format like "Tuesday, May 5,2008".
Remember change the TIMESTAMP, not DATE HEADER
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